I called my granddaughter "goofy" the other day, and she said "Like you and Pop-Pop - except you're clumsy."  I was like, "What?  Clumsy?  Me??  Says the child who has yet to make it ONE Day without face planting while running through the house??"

Her mother backed her up and I started to protest, but immediately, and an image came to mind of me in Home Depot, lying half on a garden section shopping cart, and half on a plant display, after I tripped, over pretty much nothing.  And then there was the time I got my boot heel caught in the door frame and ended up lying upside down on my porch stairs in full view of all my neighbors with my oldest son staring at me in disgust.  And the time(s) I got my heel caught in the hem of my pants...  and that time I fell down the front deck stairs trying to save a violin...

Ok, Ok so I guess I'm a little clumsy.  I have to say, taking Kung Fu lessons for five years gave me enough ninja like cat reflexes, that I haven't had a major falling incident in quite some time (unless you include Home Depot - which I am sure is probably on Youtube somewhere).But...  

I am a master at dropping things.  It's not usually anything important, or dangerous, unless you count  today.  When I knocked over a full bottle of water on a craft project I was working on,  AND the battery to my sander.

I'm still here so there was no harm done (I think) and I was able to use the sander shortly thereafter.  Now, I can finish THAT project as soon as I find my trusty Black and Decker drill that is probably in a box, in the spider filled garage.

I decided to finally work on another "bud vase in a picture frame" piece today, while waiting for clearcoat to dry.  My sander died as I was on my last piece of distressing for the picture frame (thus how the battery almost went for a swim), and I had to do the last bit by hand, which I didn't mind, until I realized that the was really sticky  and the more I sanded, the more is kinda spread itself back into the wood.  It was kinda weird.  However, I managed to get enough off that I was happy with it and could seal it with wax. 

Its an "Americana/Primitive" piece, nice matte red frame, distressed back to raw, old wood, with two cobalt blue tiny bottles hanging in it.  I added some rose blooms for the pictures, (second reason how I spilled water everywhere)  but I have to wait for the backing to dry before I can put everything back together and actually take the pictures.

While looking for appropriate bottles to hang in the frame, I found a flatish green one that was quite pretty.  I took it out to the hose to clean it off, and the more I cleaned it, the more it turned irridescent.   I am a sucker for irridescence.  By the time I finished cleaning it, it had a light green base and a rainbow patina, and it was staying with me, so I had to go find another bottle (or two) to replace it.  If I ever sell anything, I sometimes wonder if I am every going to break even...That's it for now.  I think I need a nap.